Who We Are

Welcome to the Church of Our Redeemer!  We are so glad you decided to visit us. We welcome all who are seeking God, seeking to grow their faith, and/or seeking a church home.  We hope you find Redeemer to be a vital place to connect with and serve God, and to connect with a community of people who care about each other and engaging with the wider world.

We are a parish that is committed to :

  • Spiritual growth and learning for both adults and children

  • Fellowship and support within our parish community, for all ages

  • Being God’s hands in the world through mission

  • Engagement with the wider community

At Redeemer you will find lots of ways to get involved, including . . .

Adult Spiritual Growth and Formation

  • Regular adult formation activities, including lectures, movies and small group discussions on topical issues

  • a weekly Bible Study on Wednesday mornings on zoom

  • Education for Ministry (EFM) seminar groups who meet weekly and through study, prayer and reflection develop a new understanding of their faith and the fulness of God’s kingdom

Children and Youth Formation and Programs

  • Children’s Formation: We offer the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a hands on method of faith formation based on the Montessori method of learning.  Classes are held for children starting at age 3 to 5th grade, and includes a music component.

  • Youth Formation: We offer four programs for grades 6 – 12: Rite 13, Journey to Adulthood, Confirmation Class, and Youth Group, where high schoolers meet on Sunday nights to make and share dinner and fellowship. Youth in the program also participate in the life of the parish, organizing an annual Shrove Thursday pancake supper, helping at the annual Patriots Day breakfast and participating in the annual Christmas Party for the Grow Clinic.

Social Action

Our relationship with God is also expressed in social action. We have teams that support . . .

  • mission trips to St. Christopher’s Mission in the Diocese of Navajoland

  • a science fair at Esperanza Academy middle school in Lawrence

  • supplies for The Grow Clinic for failure to thrive babies at Boston Medical Center

  • meals for Bristol Lodge soup kitchen in Waltham

  • space and food for The Lexington Food Pantry

  • Lets Eat Together, an initiative to provide a weekly dinner to those who need food and/or fellowship in Redeemer’s Great Hall

  • Redeeming Knitters, who knit hats and mittens for an annual Christmas Party for families at the Grow Clinic


  • Weekly coffee hour after worship to connect with and support each other

  • Dinner Groups that provide monthly fellowship for small groups

  • Summer fun activities after worship in the summer for families or anyone who wants to do a craft, play a game, or splash in a pool

  • Annual Parish Retreat: Weekend retreat at Barbara C. Harris Camp for the whole parish

The best way to get to know more about the church community is to worship with us.  Please join us for a Sunday service, stay for a cup of coffee afterwards, and explore what we are all about.  We think you’ll find that this is a warm, welcoming community where people feel supported and loved.

To join any of these activities just talk to anyone at Coffee Hour after worship, or email us at office @ ourredeemerlexington.org .