Giving Time and Treasure at Our Redeemer

Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God,
serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.
1 Peter 4:10

Giving is how we respond in gratitude to all that God has given us, and to our desire to share our gifts with others. These gifts are often labeled as “wealth, works, and wisdom”, or “time, talent, and treasure.”  Some parishioners at Our Redeemer give of all three; others give of one. Every gift of every size matters to God, and so every gift of every size matters to us.

Why Do Parishioners Give?

Almost each week during the Eucharist, we hear a reading from one of the epistles in the Bible. “Epistle” means “letter,” and in church we hear letters from Paul, James, Peter, and other followers of Jesus; these are found in the New Testament. During Stewardship season each year, we also hear a few “living epistles,” a letter to the Church from one of our own parishioners, testifying to how they have come to know God here at Our Redeemer. They may also explain why they choose to give gifts of time, talent, and treasure to the parish. Here are some living epistles of the past.

Read a Living Epistle by: Randy Bowlby, Mary Ann Christie Burnside, Murray Daniels, Deb Jacoby-Twigg, Janet Needham, Mia O., and Sam Stevens.

Works & Wisdom, Time & Talent

At Redeemer, there are many ways our talents, experience, and passions can be put to use for the work and needs of the congregation and the broader community. Many members renew a prior interest or discover a hidden talent by volunteering in an area they may not have previously considered. 

How can I offer my time and talent in the worship services at Our Redeemer?

Lectors, greeters, chalice-bearers, acolytes, Altar Guild—and more! Learn about these roles on our Worship Ministries page.

Can I help in work or wisdom with the outwardly focused work at Our Redeemer?

Yes! We commit our time and talent working with our many social action partners:  in support of youth education (Esperanza Academy); food insecurity (Lexington Food Pantry, LexEat, Grow Clinic, Bristol Lodge); and housing (Habitat for Humanity); in our partnership with Lexington houses of worship to address racism; and in supporting St. Christopher’s Mission Church in Navajoland. Reach out to the Rector to learn about where help is needed now.

How can I offer my time and talent for the running of the parish itself?

There are many Committees of the parish—ask a parishioner at Coffee Hour, or set up a time with a Vestry member, one of the wardens, or the clergy to see where your time and talent could be offered.

Wealth or Treasure

At the Eucharistic prayer, our financial offerings are brought to the altar where they are blessed.  We believe that God can transform these gifts into Gods’ work in the world.

How will my gift be used?

All gifts fund our spiritual life together, our social justice work and our ministries. Your financial gifts directly support our worship, music, education of youth and adults, and our outreach in the world. Generally, rental income covers the costs of maintaining the actual church building - a blessing not all parishes share. The chart below shows the breakdown of expenses in the budget passed by the Vestry in January 2023. Since then, some rental income is down; and some expenses are up. But overall, each dollar given goes to the work of putting our faith into action.

Can I also give to specific purposes (such as flowers, music, a memorial gift or a mission partner)?

Yes! You can designate a gift as a memorial, for flowers, to the music fund or to a social justice partner - simply indicate your wish on a check or select the appropriate “tile” on our online giving page.

How can I make a financial contribution to Redeemer?

There are a variety of ways; you can learn more about them at the links below or on our page Ways to Give at Our Redeemer.

  • Make an annual commitment of a gift – online at any time, or participate in the Annual Stewardship Campaign in the fall.

  • Make a one-time gift, when the offering is collected on Sundays at the Eucharist, or online at any time.

  • Make a planned gift as part of your estate planning.