2025 Stewardship Campaign

Stewardship is the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care. Reflecting on the challenges of the past few years, it is through your gifts of wealth, works and wisdom that Redeemer has continued to nurture us, provide opportunities to deepen our faith, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Faithful stewardship of our financial resources makes our community life possible and empowers our ministries. Each year the annual stewardship campaign gives us an opportunity to think deeply about what matters in our lives, and to act accordingly. 

Coming Soon!

Our stewardship season will begin on October 20, 2024, and we will close with an Ingathering of gifts on November 24. We will have Living Epistles, where parishioners offer their witness of what the parish has meant for them. We will also have informational meetings. Please see the weekly email (you can sign up for it here and you can see the latest one here) for more information.