Adult Christian Education & Formation

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Our ongoing formation as Christians continues throughout our entire lives. With that in mind, our adult education and formation offerings are intended to support the process of learning and becoming that God calls us to.

Weekly Bible Study

Our small-group Bible study meets at 9AM on Wednesday mornings on zoom, led by Mtr. Emily. We start at 9AM and end our study by 9:50 so that we can close in sharing prayer requests and praying for each other. We choose together which books to read; our last book was the Gospel according to Mark, and right now we are in Ecclesiastes. If you would like to join, please do ask Mtr. Emily for the link.

Adult Forum

Adult Forum meets regularly from September through May at 10:45AM in the Great Hall, right after the service. People often get a cup at Coffee Hour and then sit down for a talk or conversation. You can see upcoming Forum events on our Calendar, in the weekly email (sign up for it here), and sometimes on Instagram.

Most Forums are presented by the clergy of the parish, and are discussions, lectures, or workshops on Christianity and being a Christian. Some recent topics include:

  • What We Love about Lent from a Former Roman Catholic and Former Evangelical

  • “Why do we venerate the Cross?” and Other Holy Week Questions

  • Christian Mysticism

  • Why do YOU go to church?

  • How Anglicans Make Decisions

  • Writing the Prayers of the People

  • Anti-Judaism, the Law, and the Pharisees

Some Forum meetings are led by parishioners, including some on praying the rosary or connections between Christianity and science.

Others are put on by the wardens and Vestry and include some business of the parish. Recent examples include:

  • Speakers on Mission Partners and Stewardship Q & A sessions with the Vestry

  • Conversations about Redeemer’s Future with the Realizing Our Vision Team

The program of Forums is organized by the clergy with support and help from the Adult Forum Committee.

Previous Adult Education Programs

We have enjoyed a variety of programs and educational opportunities for adults here, including a weekly midday contemplative prayer group run by a parishioner, dinner discussion groups, and book groups.

One of the longest running programs here has been Education for Ministry, a four-year program organized by Sewanee, an Episcopal university. Currently this group is not meeting.