Worship Ministries

We worship God together—this is one of the most important parts of our life together. Participating in leading worship is one of the values of this parish. It is truly a group offering, and you are warmly invited to get involved in our life this way!

Liturgy Team: Lectors, Chalice-Bearers, Greeters, and Ushers

The Liturgy Team involves people of all ages. Many Liturgy Team members serve multiple roles, while some serve in only one. Lectors read the lessons from Scripture and read the Prayers of the People. Chalice-bearers offer the chalice of Holy Communion alongside our clergy. Greeters and Ushers greet people and help them find what they need before and during the service. They also collect the offerings of money, and they bring up the bread and wine to offer at the altar at Communion (often helped by any children around!). Families are encouraged to sign up together and share roles on a Sunday.

Please email our administrator if would like to be put in touch with our Liturgy Team leader.


Young people in grades three and above are invited to serve at the altar as acolytes. This is an important role which lends beauty and ceremony to our worship, and helps lead the people. Crucifers carry the cross. Torchbearers carry the torches. On high feast days, thurifers carry the thurible, which has incense and burning coals. Acolytes also assist the clergy at the altar.

Please email our administrator or email Mtr. Emily if your child is interested in this role.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild works behind the scenes to adorn our worship with beauty. The altar linens, chalice veils, chasubles, banners, tabernacle, and altar flowers are their domain. They also work with the clergy for our complicated liturgies during Holy Week and Christmas. Altar Guild members work in teams, and new members join a team with experienced members.

Email our administrator to be put in touch with the head of the Altar Guild.