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Our Present

The Church of Our Redeemer is a moderate-sized church in an historic town near Boston. We are an active congregation with a very engaged laity. We are blessed with a rich sense of history and community. Long-time parishioners and newcomers alike almost uniformly describe our parish with such words as “welcoming, comfortable, alive, vibrant, and friendly.” They speak to a sense of shared history and community that spans generations. They value the programs and activities that connect them to each other and our community.

Our History

The Church of Our Redeemer was recognized as a mission by the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts in the spring of 1884 and incorporated as a parish in October 1885. Construction of a church building started almost immediately thereafter. The church on the corner of Meriam and Oakland Streets was consecrated on June 16, 1887.

Lexington became a thriving suburb of Boston after World War II and, as Lexington’s population grew, Redeemer’s did as well. It became apparent that the small church building could not accommodate the active congregation.   After several years of fundraising, a parcel of land was purchased in 1954 across the street from the original church. The new church was dedicated on September 8, 1957. The old building was sold to the Greek Orthodox Church of Lexington (St. Nicholas’) in 1965. Redeemer added a parish house to the new church in 1966. Church organizations (i.e. Partners Club, Young Mother’s Group, etc.) and the church school grew with a Thursday afternoon “Sunday School” program, adult education and Lenten Study.

In the 1960s and 1970s this active congregation turned its attention outward. Members became involved in outreach projects such as the Heifer Project International, Rosie’s Place, and the Lexington Cambodian Resettlement.   This involvement in mission has grown and continued both in the Lexington community and the greater world. Redeemer has been the site of the Lexington’s Interfaith Food Pantry for many years and members take an active part in tending the Interfaith Garden.  Currently, members take part in El Hogar service trips to Honduras and cook for Bristol Lodge in Waltham among many other projects.

The Reverend Ted Petterson became rector in 1974 and strengthened Redeemer’s sense of connection to the surrounding world. Lay leadership grew and helped the parish became involved in new ventures such as a dialogue with Temple Isaiah and food and clothing aid to St. Stephen’s in Lynn. The Youth Group ran a food stand on the Rectory lawn on Patriot’s Day to raise money for their chosen mission work. During these years a number of local groups used the church’s facilities as meeting places, among them Alcoholics Anonymous and the Lexington Council on Aging.

The Reverend Alden B. Flanders became rector in 1985 when Redeemer’s congregation became more diverse and inclusive. In general, the 1980s brought a decline in mainline church attendance all over the country.  Redeemer was no exception. However, a number of new families with young children came. Lexington Playcare, an independent day care facility expanded its facilities in the parish house so that our space became fully utilized and the children brought a great sense joyful activity to our community. The Reverend Flanders resigned in 2003 and was followed by interim rector Reverend Terry McCall, and then Reverend Tricia de Beer from 2005 to 2009.

The Reverend Kate Ekrem came to Redeemer as Priest-in-Charge in 2009 and was called as Rector in 2011. Under her leadership, our our organization and care for one another were strengthened. She led us through the opening years of the pandemic, a time of great trial. In the fall of 2021, we celebrated Mtr. Kate’s last day with us at a big outdoor service. She left to become the first female rector at historic Christ Church in Cambridge.

The Reverend Ginger Solaqua came to be the interim rector in late 2021. Redeemer’s Search Team engaged the whole parish in thinking and praying about who our next rector would be; our Vestry and Clergy team led us in this long time of transition. Rev. Ginger helped lead us not just in the transition of searching for a new rector, but also in the transition from the first crisis of the pandemic to where we are now.

After months of work and discernment led by Redeemer’s Search Team, the Vestry announced the Rev. Megan Carr Holding accepted the invitation to become the next rector, beginning on the second week of Advent 2023. Rev. Holding stood out for her strong personal faith, commitment to cultivate faith in others, her creativity, joy, spirit of collaboration, and her commitment to social justice. Our Redeemer parish is looking forward to growing in faith and service to God with Rev. Holding. We are turning now to the next phase of our life together.

The Lexington of that era was generally a farming community and the largest church was Unitarian. The Episcopal congregation remained small, served by several short-term clergy until the Reverend R. Eliot Marshall was called in 1930. His death in 1937 was unexpected and a shock to the church. The Reverend Harold T. Handley was called as rector in 1939 and remained in that position until 1973. He became the face of Redeemer in the community. He had great interest in Lexington’s colonial past and served as chaplain for the Lexington Minutemen and founded the Battle Green Guides.

Our Labyrinth

Have you ever followed a path, not sure of exactly where it would lead, but certain that you would find your way home? Do you sometimes sit quietly with God and the memories of friends and family who have passed away? Is there a special place you go when you need some peace or a few moments away from the chaos and busyness of your day?

In early 2003, a few people dreamed that the Church of Our Redeemer could provide just such a special place – a place to follow a safe path; a place to find peace; a place that welcomes all to life’s journeys and provides peace and rest when those journeys end.

In the spring of 2008, that dream finally became a reality as our landscape, designed by Monica Connor, came to include a low-walled memorial garden and beautiful plantings surrounding it and our labyrinth, which had been installed in June, 2007 as the subject of a “Do-It-Yourself” cable network program “Rock Solid”.

The labyrinth is located at the corner of Meriam Street and Patriots Drive, in the northeast corner of the church’s property. It is open to the public 24 hours a day.

Take a tour of the labyrinth with parishioner Janet Kern below.