Ways to Give at Our Redeemer

This page is about ways to give gifts of money. For more on all the ways of giving time and talent, see this page about Giving Time & Treasure at Our Redeemer, or look at the menu heading called “Getting Involved.”

You can learn about what we believe about giving and how your gift of money will be used on that same page, Giving Time & Treasure at Our Redeemer.

  • “Pledging” is the church-word for when a person or household tells the parish that they plan to give a certain amount during the year. They can give this in regularly monthly gifts or in whatever pattern works for them. It is not a contract or even a promissory note, but more like a promise or statement of intent. Pledging enables the congregation to plan its ministries in advance; it provides a stable financial base for the support of our programs, and it reflects our prayerful response to God’s call to be good stewards of our material resources. The size of the pledge is less important than one’s willingness to commit a definite amount towards the support of God’s work through this congregation. Some parishioners are not comfortable with pledging and yet are regular supporters of our ministry.

    What if my situation changes and I’m unable to fulfill my pledge?

    Please don’t worry. You can always adjust your giving estimate (just let the office or Treasurer know so we are in sync with your changing needs). You should also know that you can always reach out to our clergy for care and help if you need it.

    Why not just make a donation each week or so?

    On a practical note, we all benefit from having an estimate of our income and expenses for the upcoming year. An annual financial promise commitment helps Redeemer’s vestry determine what programs and ministries we can support and plan the next year’s budget accordingly. It also helps you plan your personal budget.

    Who knows how much I promise?

    The Church of Our Redeemer’s office keeps all financial commitments strictly confidential. A small group of church leaders — the Treasurer and Stewardship Committee — have access to stewardship campaign records. They have all signed confidentiality agreements not to disclose any such information.

    How will my gift be used?

    All gifts fund our spiritual life together, our social justice work and our ministries. Your financial gifts directly support our worship, music, education of youth and adults, and our outreach in the world. Generally, rental income covers the costs of maintaining the actual church building - a blessing not all parishes share. The chart below shows the breakdown of expenses in the budget passed by the Vestry in January 2023. Since then, some rental income is down; and some expenses are up. But overall, each dollar given goes to the work of putting our faith into action.

  • Planned giving is a generous and effective way of ensuring Redeemer’s future vibrancy. Over the past 10 years, Redeemer has received 4 major bequests of almost $600,000. There are also current parishioners who have included Redeemer in their will. You can make a planned gift to Redeemer in a number of tax-beneficial ways.

    While you should consult with your attorney or financial advisor for guidance in determining the planned gift approach that is right for you and your family, we suggest the following options:

    Gift from Retirement Plans

    The simplest planned gift of all, and the most tax efficient, is made from a tax-deferred retirement plan: 401(k) plans, 403 (b) plans and individual retirement accounts (IRAs).Left as part of an estate, tax-deferred assets will be subject to income tax and possibly other forms of taxation. Where qualified, however, naming Redeemer as a beneficiary of a retirement plan allows the gift to pass directly to the Church free of any taxes.

    This is also one of the easiest gifts to put in place. In most instances, simply go to the web site of the trustee or custodian of the plan and change the beneficiary designation. Like a bequest from a will or trust, the gift may be a specific dollar amount or a percentage of the plan assets.

    To designate Redeemer as a retirement plan beneficiary, Redeemer’s tax ID number is 04-2225843. Please consider sending us a copy of your beneficiary form for our records.

    Gift of Life Insurance Policies

    Gifts of life insurance to Redeemer allow you to receive charitable tax deductions while making a larger gift to the church than might otherwise be possible for you. Using an existing life insurance policy is a quick and convenient way to make a planned gift commitment to Redeemer. Ask your insurance company for a beneficiary designation form, and name “Church of Our Redeemer, Lexington, Massachusetts” as a beneficiary.

    Gift by Will

    Bequests by will to the church are exempt from federal and most state inheritance taxes. With a gift by will, your total estate value is reduced by the amount of your planned gift, reducing your overall estate tax.

    By your will (which you may change by a codicil) or your revocable trust (which you may change by an amendment), you can make Redeemer the beneficiary of cash, securities, and/or other property. You may designate by a specific amount or a percentage of your estate, or you may make Redeemer a residual beneficiary of your will or trust; that is, a recipient of some part of the balance after payment of specific bequests, expenses, and taxes.

    As you review your testamentary plans, here are three language samples for your use.

    Specific Amount for General Purposes

    “I give, advise, and bequeath to The Rector, Wardens, and Vestry of Church of Our Redeemer, Lexington, Massachusetts, the sum of $______ to be used at their discretion for the general objectives and purposes of said Church of Our Redeemer.”

    Percentage Amount for a Specific Purpose
    “I give, and bequeath to The Rector, Wardens, and Vestry of Church of Our Redeemer, Lexington, Massachusetts, ___% of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, to be used at their discretion for the general maintenance of the physical facilities of Church of Our Redeemer.”

    Unrestricted Bequest to Redeemer’s Endowment
    “I give, and bequeath to The Rector, Wardens, and the Vestry of Church of Our Redeemer, Lexington, Massachusetts, ___% of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, to be placed in the Church of Our Redeemer Endowment Fund, for use at their discretion.”

    These are only samples for your consideration. Your legal counsel can help you to refine the bequest language to suit your specific wishes for Redeemer. If you do decide to include Redeemer in your will, we would find it very helpful to have a copy of that portion of your will for our records.

  • Plate offerings are gifts of money placed in "the plate," the metal tray which is passed around at the offertory during the service of the Eucharist. These go to the work of the church, unless a note is included (for example, on a check) about where it should go.

    One-time gifts include plate offerings, but also donations in thanksgiving of a special event, or other gifts.