Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals

at Our Redeemer


Q: Do I have to be a certain age to be baptized at Our Redeemer?
In the Episcopal Church, we baptize anyone of any age. Children who are not yet able to answer on their own behalf are presented by parents and godparents who promise to raise up the child in the faith. Adults do not need godparents but may have sponsors who will support them on their walk with God.

Q: How do I go about being baptized or having my child baptized at Church of Our Redeemer?
A: Simply reach out to Rev. Emily (! Together you will find a time for baptismal preparation, and also a date for the baptism.  Baptism is especially appropriate on the feast days of All Saints (in early November), the Baptism of our Lord (in early January), Pentecost (in late May or early June), and at the Easter Vigil (the night before Easter Sunday) or the Sunday after Easter.  But we are happy to baptize someone at almost any Sunday service of the year! Preparation for the sacrament usually consists of one or two meetings with the clergy.

Q: If I’m baptized here, does that mean I have to become Episcopalian?
A: No. In the Episcopal Church, we believe baptism is a sacrament that brings someone into the Christian life and the life of the Trinity in a new way; it is not specific to our denomination. We baptize people in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, as Scripture teaches.


Q: What do you believe about marriage?
We believe that marriage is a sacrament, an outward and visible sign of inward and invisible grace. This sacrament binds two people together. While Christians can of course be married without this sacrament, the sacrament is an additional blessing that helps the married couple along in their marriage!

Q: Can I get married at the Church of Our Redeemer?
The short answer is, “Maybe.” But either way, we offer congratulations on your engagement! We are delighted you are looking for a church wedding to invite prayer and the Christian community into this start of your married life. Our parish’s understanding is that in seeking out a church wedding, you are also making a commitment to regular church attendance and involvement. To prepare for your wedding, the clergyperson will meet with you three or four times to discuss Christian marriage, your relationship, and to plan your service. Please contact the church office to schedule a time to meet with the clergy to begin planning your marriage service.

Q. I’m divorced and would like to get remarried. Can I do that at the Church of our Redeemer?
A: The Episcopal Church recognizes that some marriages end and that some may choose to be remarried. For couples who have been married before, the diocese has an application that should be started at least six to nine months before the wedding date. It is not at all a difficult process, there is no cost, and it can be very beneficial to couples; there just needs to be some advance planning.

Q: We were married in a secular service—can we get remarried in the church?
A: We would be delighted to pray with you and bless your marriage! In The Episcopal Church, we offer a Blessing of a Civil Marriage.  This service contains many elements of the familiar wedding service and is a lovely way to ask God's blessing on your relationship and life together.


Q: A family member just passed away. Can we have the funeral at Redeemer?
Yes. We are sorry for your loss, and are honored to be the location of your loved one’s funeral. Please call the clergy right away to meet to plan an appropriate service and select together a date. It can be helpful to do this before or at the same time as you call the funeral home if one is used. We use the Burial Service from the Book of Common Prayer. We can help you chose appropriate scriptures, prayers, and hymns, and to secure the services of an organist or other musicians.

Q: Does it matter if my loved one is cremated and there is no casket?
A: No, in the Episcopal Church this doesn’t matter. Either the urn or casket should be present at the funeral, and they are both treated in the same reverent and loving way during the funeral.

Q: We already had a Burial Service elsewhere. Can your clergy help us with a graveside service at a cemetery, or with a Memorial Service?
A: Yes, of course. Please call the church office to make arrangements.