A Living Epistle

from Mia O.

When my husband and I first came to Redeemer ten years ago, we were warmly welcomed and felt an immediate kinship with its members. We liked that the church had a deep commitment to social justice and were impressed by its many mission activities. As a researcher of women of color in science, I felt a special connection to Redeemer’s work with Esperanza Academy, and I’m proud to now serve as the church’s liaison to the school.

Redeemer has been a wonderful place to grow spiritually as a family. Our son, Luke, now eight years old, has been raised in part by the church community. We’re especially grateful to all of the wonderful Atrium teachers who have helped to instill in him a sense of loving and helping others.

The unique challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic and our move to virtual services have changed the way we interact with the church community but have also strengthened our appreciation for being part of it.  We’ve been pleased with how Luke has stayed engaged through services, coffee hour, and pen pal exchanges with former Atrium teachers. 

We have always felt it was important to give to the church through our pledge, but now, more than ever, we feel it’s vital to continue our support to help ensure its services, mission activities, Atrium classes, and community continue to thrive.

Mia O.

Almost each week during the Eucharist, we hear a reading from one of the epistles in the Bible. “Epistle” means “letter,” and in church we hear letters from Paul, James, Peter, and other followers of Jesus; these are found in the New Testament. During Stewardship season each year, we also hear a few “living epistles,” a letter to the Church from one of our own parishioners, testifying to how they have come to know God here at Our Redeemer. They may also explain why they choose to give gifts of time, talent, and treasure to the parish.