A Living Epistle

from Sam Stevens

My name is Sam Stevens and I want to tell you why I give to Redeemer.

Our family came to Redeemer in 1999 and our first child was baptized in November of that year. The next November our daughter was baptized. Margaret and I were diving back into church after being “churchless”, as many single, post-schooled people end up being, while trying to establish themselves in the world and figure out life.

We kept on coming, and when time, made sure Zachary and Jacqueline registered for church school. This kept us coming, as we wanted our children to be exposed to and learn about God’s good word and our Christian faith. Watching our children grow through Atrium classes, the heart-felt Rite 13 Ceremony, confirmation, and then to mature into Youth Group members was very special. When I recall going to Youth Group in ages past, it was not so much “fun” and I didn’t continue it too long. I wish it had been like Redeemer’s, where Zach and Jackie actually WANTED to go on Sunday evening – YG was not to be missed!

We watched our children grow in faith, confidence and uniqueness as they progressed through the years. We were happy to see them develop friendships, a little harder to do when not from Lexington, I think. They pitched in here and there and “volunteered” for Patriot’s Day several times – for some reason. We were happy to hear the stories they shared with us about their pilgrimage to Acadia National Park.

A church community is very unique, as it offers the opportunity for youth to interact with a range of people, from their peers, teachers and other adults in a safe space. This can improve their confidence that can nurture growth in other areas of their lives.

Looking at them now, I think they came out all right. For those of you who have met Zach or Jackie, I think you will agree. It is in no small part because of this supportive community that they have become who they are today.

I give to Redeemer for many reasons, but a major one is so that the young kids coming today can have the same great opportunity and opportunities to be embraced by their peers, teachers, and you the congregation. To listen and learn from Kate and Andrew’s sermons, to hear the music and try out leadership opportunities.

I want our youth to make this community and world a better place, and supporting this church so these kids can have such positive experiences and grow into thoughtful and caring adults is a great way to start. God Bless.

Almost each week during the Eucharist, we hear a reading from one of the epistles in the Bible. “Epistle” means “letter,” and in church we hear letters from Paul, James, Peter, and other followers of Jesus; these are found in the New Testament. During Stewardship season each year, we also hear a few “living epistles,” a letter to the Church from one of our own parishioners, testifying to how they have come to know God here at Our Redeemer. They may also explain why they choose to give gifts of time, talent, and treasure to the parish.