Assistant Rector News, from the Rector – September 3, 2020

Dear friends,

For the past seven years, Rev. Andrew has preached inspiring sermons, guided our children, visited our elders, led young people on pilgrimage, taught us about anti-racism, and offered sports score updates at vestry meetings. It’s hard to imagine the Redeemer community without him, and yet it is time to say goodbye and wish him the very best in his new ministry as Priest-in-Charge of Good Shepherd in Watertown. Rev. Andrew’s last day at Redeemer will be Sunday, Sept 13. Please join us for a special celebration of his ministry. 

Rev. Andrew will preach and preside at the live-streamed worship service at 9:30am. Following worship, we’ll have a special Zoom Party. We hope EVERYONE will log into Virtual Coffee Hour that morning. Randy Bowlby is preparing a slide show of Andrew’s time at Redeemer that we’ll share in the Zoom meeting. The youth group also has a special surprise! We have some gifts we are hoping to deliver in advance so Rev. Andrew can open them on Zoom to show everyone. Then we’ll have the opportunity to share stories and memories of Rev. Andrew’s time at Redeemer and how it as touched us. Please be thinking about a story you might like to share. 

After the Zoom Party, Rev. Andrew will move outside to Redeemer’s back parking lot. All are invited to participate in a Car Parade to come say goodbye in person. Feel free to decorate your car with balloons, signs, or whatever feels festive! You can pull into the driveway, circle the parking lot, honk and wave, and drive back out. You can also pause for a bit to chat through your car window, but please don’t exit your car for health and safety reasons. If you do roll down your window, please make sure car occupants are wearing masks. 

I’m also happy to report that Rev. Frank Fornaro has agreed to come on board as our Interim Priest Associate, beginning September 15. Rev. Frank will be working ½ time, leading worship, preaching, assisting with adult formation, and offering pastoral care. Rev. Kate will be taking over primary responsibility for the Atrium and Youth programs, so don’t hesitate to reach out to her if you have questions about those ministries. 

On September 20, we will launch the fall program year. Stay tuned for updates on Zoom Atrium, Adult Forum, Fall Quiet Day, and other activities.  We may not be able to be all together in person, but we do have a wonderful fall planned to keep us united in spirit and supported by our church community. 



From the Rector – September 24, 2020


From the Rector – August 25, 2020