From the Rector – October 1, 2021

Dear Redeemer friends,
I am very much looking forward to re-connecting with all of you when I return from my sabbatical this Sunday, October 3. And it is with mixed emotions that I write to tell you that I have accepted a call to be the Rector of Christ Church in Cambridge, MA.  My last Sunday at Redeemer will be November 14th. It is of course unfortunate that this occurred while I was on sabbatical, but the pandemic upset the timing of both their search and my time away. While I’m excited for what this new opportunity will bring for me and my family, I’m also very sad to be saying good-bye to you.
The past twelve years as your rector have been immensely rewarding. We have done so much together: the Realizing our Vision campaign that led to the creation of the new Great Hall as well as making our entire church fully handicapped accessible, the Lift Up Lexington effort to help the homeless families housed in the local hotel, and the creation by Redeemer members and others of Lex Eat Together which made its home in our newly renovated hall. I won’t soon forget travelling with you to Navajoland, Grow Clinic holiday parties, J2A spaghetti dinners, or getting up at dawn for the Patriot’s Day pancake breakfast. Not to mention all of our wonderful formation programs that make a difference in the lives of our young people, and our worship and music together. I know all of these ministries will continue to grow and thrive.
So many of you have touched my life deeply and helped me become a better priest and a better person.  You have welcomed my family and nurtured my children. For all the blessings we have received here, I am eternally grateful to all of you.
You are in wonderful hands with Murray Daniels and Sarah Conrad as your wardens and Rev. Emily Garcia as a continuing clergy presence. You will be hearing much more from them in coming days about the next steps for Redeemer.
After leaving Redeemer on November 14th, I will no longer have a pastoral relationship with you. You will have a new pastor in your midst – first an interim rector and later your permanent new rector — and so it will no longer be my role to officiate at baptisms, weddings or funerals for parishioners of Redeemer. I will also take care not to talk about parish matters with you, or to interact with you on social media. Unfortunately this is not something that is optional, but a strict guideline from our bishop.
We’ll have time between now and November to say good-bye and I hope to do that in person with many of you. Each one of you and Redeemer will be in my prayers for this time of transition and I ask your prayers for me and my family as well.
Thank you for allowing me to be your priest and part of this wonderful community of faith.
Peace and blessings always,


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