Regathering Update – December 2, 2020

Like you, the members of the Regathering Team did not anticipate that we would not celebrate Advent and Christmas together in our church building. But here we are. Your responses to the most recent parish survey have a hint of resignation to this reality, too, but mostly express hope and the desire to continue to be creative in connecting with each other in the months ahead.

Many of you expressed your gratitude for the Worship Committee, the Tech Team, Bernadette and the choir, formation leaders, and the clergy for continuing to make adjustments that enhance our worship and formation experiences. The 8:00 AM outside worship has been warmly received with a handful of hearty regulars participating, but for most it’s a wee bit early and the cold weather will prevent you from attending.

In the survey’s open response questions regarding meaningful engagement, many replies suggest more outdoor activities like socially distanced walks, a snowman making competition, and screening of the Christmas pageant. As well as small virtual group activities like book group, bible study or trivia nights.  All of these are all possible. If you are interested in planning and leading one, please reach out to a member of the team or to Rev. Kate.

Good news! Bishops Gates and Harris recently approved the distribution of consecrated communion wafer to parishioners. Rev. Kate, Rev. Frank, and the Worship Committee are developing the process for its implementation at Redeemer. Stay tuned!

Because ventilation has become critical to understanding the spread of COVID, a CO2 monitor was purchased, and an ad hoc committee formed to develop scenarios and evaluate readings throughout the church building. Thank you to Sarah Klein, Erica Brotschi, Jamie Burnside and Christopher Huggins for taking on this task.

The news of the vaccine has buoyed our spirits, and until it is truly safe to be together, the Regathering Team is committed to providing the guidance that balances safety with actions that help to meet our communities’ pastoral and spiritual needs.  We ask for your continued support and prayers in the months ahead as we walk this journey together.

Your Regathering Team:

Paula Antonevich
Cassie Bowlby
Erica Brotschi
Murray Daniels
Rev. Kate Ekrem
Christopher Huggins
Lori Wright


From the Rector – December 10, 2020


From the Rector – November 24, 2020