Mission + Vision Task Force Shares New Mission Statement

The Mission Statement Task Force is pleased to share Redeemer’s new Mission Statement, which has been approved by the Vestry. The Mission Statement is the first step in the 4-step process of developing Redeemer’s direction for the future:

1.  Mission Statement: Expresses our unique purpose (Now)
2.  Vision: A picture of where we will be in 5 years (Fall of 2024)
3.  Plans: Plans for making our Vision come to life (Winter 2025)
4.  Go Do It: Doing the projects to bring our Vision to life (Spring 2025)

These steps are akin to creating a garden: setting its purpose, dreaming about what it will look like in 5 years, setting a plan for the garden and finally planting and nurturing it (see the process below).

The Mission Statement was built with input from the entire parish through the CAT Study conducted in 2022, listening sessions that took place this year at an adult forum (June 2nd) and on-line (June 6th) and previous versions of Redeemer’s Mission. We thank everyone for your participation. If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to Kathleen Mirani.

Church of Our Redeemer Mission Statement

An inclusive and intergenerational community of faith, 
we gather in the name of Jesus Christ to deepen our relationship with God 
through joyful worship, learning, and dialogue. 
We value and aspire to welcome everyone without judgment. 
We nurture and seek deep, caring relationships with each other 
and maintain an emotionally healthy, comfortable, and safe environment 
for children, teens, and adults. 
We work together to lead our church. 
Embracing our calling to social action toward truth and justice, 
we love and serve our neighbors in Lexington and beyond.

Respectfully submitted by Mary Ann Burnside, Murray Daniels, Sean Fullerton, Megan Holding, Peter Jacoby, Deb Jacoby-Twigg, Kathleen Mirani, Mia Ong and Mary Ucci.

the timeline for the Mission & Vision work at Our Redeemer in 2024-25

Rector’s Stewardship Letter


New this year: All-ages SONGFEST after church!