Rector’s Stewardship Letter

Dear Friends,

“Walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself for us,

a perfect offering for the whole world.”

I find myself remarking over and over these days how present the Spirit is at Redeemer.

I sense the Spirit in the parish’s energy and eagerness to embrace the future; I see the fruits of the Spirit’s presence revealed in the richness of our life together: joy in worship and fellowship, love in how we care for each other and our neighbors, generosity in how folks step up in so many ways, faithfulness in our prayers, gentleness in the grace with which we work toward consensus, patience as we discern and seek to understand how best to respond to the Spirit.

This is an exciting time to be a part of Redeemer. From my conversations with you, I know I am not the only one curious about where the Spirit is calling us, confident the Spirit is calling us in a rewarding direction, ready to follow the Spirit, and eager to know more fully what that will look like.

As we wait for and work toward that clarity in our upcoming vision and planning work, I revel in the conversations that help us know each other better, the opportunities to gather in a variety of ways this fall – from Contemplative Tuesdays and Silent Prayer for our Nation, to Church Feast Parties and the All-Parish Retreat – and our discussions about how we might share our church experience more broadly, incorporate online ministries more fully, and proclaim our faith even more openly.

Each of these reflects faithful discipleship in the moment and reveals a bit about the discipleship we might be called to in the future. Each is a response to God’s call to walk in love with each other and with God.

This Stewardship season, we will be asked to make concrete commitments to support these opportunities to serve God and one another now and into our new phase of shared ministry.

I hope you will join me in answering that call as we continue to walk together in Love.

With so much gratitude for this shared journey, I am yours in Christ,



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